PGA Merchandise Show 2019


It was a fantastic PGA show from the world of target golf. There was a bit of a mix up so they had to give us a booth right next to the Golf Channel. Got to love that. So all week long we had golf course owners and head pros coming up to our booth saying ‘this is what we need to activate our members’. How cool is that. Here is a shot of us having to pack up and get out of the parking lot any way we could. It was a zoo.

driving range golf targets

Special thanks to Jeremy and Jess of Premierglow for being our partners in this grand adventure. They made it a complete blast and their night golf lighting rocks! We are a perfect match for any one looking to put together a top notch night golf event.

The 2019 PGA Show is growing towards a great deal of automation from the numerous launch monitor companies to all the new stuff TopGolf is offering to turn on the non-golfer and what we call the ‘could be’ golfer. They are doing an excellent job at it and our hats off. In fact, we are excited to be coming out with our new patented Toptracer compatible range targets that are a thin membrane. They are super thin and set flat on the ground. The best part about them is that they can handle weather better than above ground inflatables.

night target golf systemsSPECIAL THANKS to Jaume Serra Cristalino for sponsoring our fantastic opening night cocktail hour. I have to say, after working and talking all day their Cava went straight to my head.

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