“TEAM LOUD” win the first ever Night Golf Nationals with a scorching score of 56 (-16) YOUCH! And it was at night!

NIGHT GOLF NATIONAL CHAMPIONS: Brock Jansen, Clay Kitchens, Scott Bennett & “Mr Load”

Second place went to the team of: Peter Lyon, Christopher Paul, Brad Hill, Justin Vance

Check out the highlight

Runners up at night golf nationals

Second place team: Peter Lyon, Christopher Paul, Brad Hill, Justin Vance

Second place team: Peter Lyon, Christopher Paul, Brad Hill, Justin Vance

victory shot at aqua range

golfers at the aqua range

bartender and water range

Golfers winning

night golf with glowgear

victory shot of golfers

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Tee shot from cosmic driving range

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target night golf

night golf lighting

playing glow golf at night

Awesome chip shots in night golf

Cool putting at night

nightflyer golf

Tee shot in night golf nationals

Chip shot during night golf nationals

growing the game of golf with night golf

night golf nationals tee shot

glow golf tee shot

night flyer chip shot

night golf tee shot during the nationals

Glow golf events

tee shot during night golf event

nightflyer golf shot

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championship scorecard

First night score card for night golf nationals

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