SHINGLE CREEK DEMO NIGHT (RSVP) Come one, Come all. Let’s have a Cosmic Driving Range Party!
We are excited to launch our season at the 2016 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. (Booth 1790) In 2016 we plan on having a lot of fun with everything from putting contests to Cosmic night golf events to our Cosmic Driving Range Tour and events. We are already getting calls for the season and thats huge!
To celebrate and showcase our revolutionary step in driving range automation and…animation, we will be putting on two demo nights at Shingle Creek Golf Club. Everyone is invited to come. It should be a blast.
Last year was our first year of introducing the concept of big field, intelligent targeting. In 2016 we will bring this revolutionary concept to market. We are already booking venues, but we are also looking to work with like minded golf courses and driving ranges that want to move into the newly created ‘Golf Entertainment’ market. We will be starting a Beta test program this year that with showcase our system and show how our intelligent targets can turn on the next generation of ‘could be’ golfers.