Night Golf at Bermuda Fun Golf is now glowing

We are proud to announce night golf is coming to Bermuda Fun Golf in a whole new way. With the edition of GlowGear golf ball glow chargers and the best night golf ball in the world, the GlowV2, they will be offering a whole new level of night golf entertainment.

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If you have never been to the island of Bermuda, buy some tickets and go. It’s an amazing place. And if you want to play one of the most unique golf experiences, check out Bermuda fun golf, why, because it’s the ultimate putting course. No, it’s not putt putt with wind mills and clowns, it’s 18 of the most famous golf holes designed into a putting course.

To score low on this course you will find yourself playing round after round because the course is truly challenging with dog legs, par 3, 4 and 5s as well as bunkers and all the banking you will need to try and go for birdies.

At night, they turn on solar powered lights and open up the bar for a true upscale family experience you will not want to leave. Now, with Glowgear lighting the balls will glow with branded tee box glow chargers and target lights.

In my opinion this is where night golf putting needs to go. It needs to go upscale and challenging for adults and kids alike. Check out their photos. We can wait to show you an update when they are sporting the glowgear targets, balls and chargers.

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