Newest Night Golf Light photos

As the first Night golf lights come off the production line, we’ve started to take photos. In a few weeks we will be putting on our first glow golf events, so stay tuned. But I have to say our night golf lights look like giant Lava lamps. The next step is to slap on some sponsor’s logos and we are going to truly grow the game of golf with super sizzle.

Night golf lighting

Move over lava lamps



Night golf Lava lamps

Mind blowing color

Check out some of the other photos we took on our first Night Golf Photo Escapade. I can’t wait to add players and black lights. Cosmic golf has finally come of age.

The cool thing about our night golf lighting is that they come in so many colors you can have different colors on each hole. Then change it around the next events. You can even put together a color coordinated score card to really make it cool.

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